Home » End Times Current Events » Are Christian’s to serve at our post or run from the CoronaVirus? – by Joseph Cortes

Are Christian’s to serve at our post or run from the CoronaVirus? – by Joseph Cortes

Why is the church allowing themselves to become manipulated with fear?

Churches closing because of CoronaVirus
Churches closing because of CoronaVirus

As Christians, we are called and chosen to provide encouragement and compassion instead of cowering in fear. Viral fear is worse than the CoronaVirus or COVID-19. We have been chosen by Jesus Christ to be His hands, feet, and voice to those who are suffering. Both physically and spiritually. I am not saying that we should not take precautionary measures in consideration of public health concerns. We should, that should be obvious. However, we should never retreat toward the ailing with the Gospel.

In the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon visited the sick with cholera, which killed 23000 people in Great Britain. In Russia, it killed over a million people. In the 2nd century, a plaque might have killed off a quarter of the Roman Empire. However, it led to the spread of Christianity.

The plaque of Cyprian named after the bishop who gave an account of the disease triggered the crisis of the third century. What was the result? It caused the explosive growth of Christianity. Dionysius described Christians taking charge of the sick attending to every need.

In 2020 we have churches closing because of a disease that is just another flu-like virus. Unfortunately, some will not survive. I pray that they had the opportunity to hear about the one who will, in the future, take all pain, sorrow, and disease away forever.

In the meantime, Christians cannot abandon their posts. Pastors cannot abandon their congregations. The CoronaVirus does not dissolve our duties. I recently read that “for Christians, it is better that we should die serving our neighbor than surrounded in a pile of masks we never got to use.” Or toilet paper.

If you have been afflicted with this disease, quarantine yourself to avoid spreading the sickness. However, if you are not sick, be a powerful force in helping others. Read Matthew 8:2-3, like Jesus, we should not be afraid of those who are infected with COVID-19. We need to draw near when they are most vulnerable.

Keep pressing on!

Pastor Joseph Cortes
Faith Cometh By Hearing Ministries

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